Record-breaking order situation at Eberschwang-based environmental technology expert makes expansion an urgent necessity:
ceATec expands massively and builds new, modern company building for the Automation Division
ceATec from Eberschwang is among the leading suppliers in the field of environmental technology. The company designs and manufactures filter systems for the scrubbing of industrial exhaust air for customers from timber material, iron and steel industries as well as the stone-earth-cement industry and, being based in the Innviertel region, delivers its products to 5 continents. Its record-breaking order situation now made a further expansion of its company location an urgent necessity. For this purpose, it acquired the neighboring property and will invest 2 million Euros in the new structure. “Until June 2018, we will build a new office building next to the existing company building and adapt an existing storage hall,” says General Manager Jürgen Jobst. Furthermore, the company is looking for new employees. More information at www.ceatec.at
Major expansion at Eberschwang headquarters in full swing
With its innovative products, ceATec enjoys great success on the world market. A record-breaking order situation and the continuously high workload have made a further expansion of the company headquarters in Eberschwang necessary. Massive new orders coming in for the Automation and Electrical Engineering Division and the commercial business area have forced Ceatec to act quickly. The new building and conversion is therefore already in progress, and an office building and an assembly hall are being built on the new site. The new company building in the immediate proximity of the existing company building will house ‘ceATec Automatization’. The relocation to the new site is scheduled for mid-June 2018. “Without this expansion which we implemented at short notice, we would have hardly been able to shoulder the massive order receipt,” owner Werner Griesmaier confirms.
ceATec is also looking for additional employees: Positions are currently available in the fields of purchasing, sales, automation technology, project handling and commissioning.
Record turnover of 30 million Euros expected – the signs point to expansion
Majority owned by POS Industries (900 employees, 140 million Euro turnover) headquartered in Linz, ceATec is expanding strongly and expects to achieve a new record turnover of 30 million Euros this year (compared to 20 million Euros in 2017). The company’s global presence is further strengthened: The experts from the Innviertel region are planning to make the leap across the pond to the US in the coming months to found a branch in Atlanta, Georgia.
Important environmental protection measures implemented by ceATec
The Innviertel-based environmental technology specialist is renowned in the region for being an attractive and reliable employer, employing some 40 expertly trained employees. Jürgen Probst expects a strong increase in staff numbers for the coming years thanks to optimum order situation. Founded in 2002, the company has developed into a reliable partner for plant manufacturers and operators in the field of environmental technology. With its plants, which mainly result from in-house developments in recent years, the company makes an important contribution to environmental protection for industrial companies. The extraction and dedusting of industrial exhaust air in dry or wet processes are among the company's core competencies. Guaranteeing the high quality of its project handling, Ceatec is certified in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015.

The new company building will be completed in May 2018
ceATec designs and manufactures large filter systems for the industry
ceATec delivers its filter systems to 5 continents
Image captions: (Photos may be published free of charge, photos by ceATec)
Contact for further questions: Robert Wier, Wier PR, Tel.: 0664/101 26 80
All information at: www.ceatec.at
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:
ceATec Engineering GmbH
Frau Elfriede Plakolm
Antiesen 15
A-4906 Eberschwang
Tel.: +43 7753 35800